Mandatory assignment 08 Interactive infographics website

Mandatory assignment 08: Start.

Now I have started on MA 08, which is an interactive infographics website covering the three design styles Abstract expressionism, Swiss style, Pop art and Psychedelia.

Target group

High school students at Media and communication.

Sex: Boys and girls

Age: 17-19 years

Interests: Journalism, politics, movies, friends, photography, sports, trends. They are very committed. They likes to watch fun videos and images on the Internet. Have fun. Not too serious.

Media: mobile, iPhone, PC/Mac, Spotify, Netflix, Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat etc.

Demography: Norway. They lives at home or in dorm rooms

Income: Low to medium. They get mony from Lånekassen and some of them also have a part-time job.

Moodboard of target group

moodboard target group


Here are my first sketches. The ideas I like the most here is 1, 2 and 4. Here is what I like about them:

Idea 1: I like the idea of being able to select your gender and then view woman’s or man’s clothing. This may appeal to high school students as they can choose to only view the interesting part. It feels interactive since they can choose gender and then continue based on their choise.

Idea 2: I think this one could be cool, because it plays with the «journey» concept. The part on f.ex. pop art has a road sign thet says Pop Art, and the bus’ decor changes based on the style era.

Idea 4: I like the «randomness» of the zebra, and I think that may appeal to the audience. It is different and exciting, because what would the zebra look like if it did care about style?

ideas 1ideas 2